Making monthly donations is a great way to pledge your ongoing commitment to empower potential.

Join the Defenders Circle today with an affordable monthly gift. You will feel good knowing that you are helping us to improve children's lives by connecting more Bigs to Littles in our community.

You can quickly and easily make a lasting difference in the life of a child by signing up for secure, automatic payments each month (Quarterly or Annual Donations are an option, too). You can use a debit or credit card, ACH, Digital Wallets, PayPal and even Venmo to set up your gift. This ongoing commitment provides consistent, reliable support for our mentoring relationships.

Why is Monthly Giving so Important?

Monthly giving helps us better predict revenue, and cuts down on our reliance of special events fundraising, enabling us to focus on what we do best – make matches!

The IMPACT of your Monthly Gift

When you give to Big Brothers Big Sisters, you are investing in a child's future. Your monthly support allows our Bigs to invest in the lives our our Littles, one-to-one, day after day.

Helping Hand

$9 Monthly Gift (~$100/year)

Provides a Big and a Little with their Very First Visit
The Big Brothers Big Sisters agency guides each Mentoring Match from beginning to end, starting with facilitating the First Visit for the Match Introduction.

Big Allies

$13 Monthly Gift (~$150/year)

Enrolls a Child in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program
During Enrollment, we spend time with each child and family to learn more about them. This allows our staff to match them with a Volunteer Big who is just right for them.

Big Connections

$21 Monthly Gift (~$250/year)

Provides an Enriching and Fun Match Activity
Throughout the year, Big Brothers Big Sisters hosts fun, enriching, and free activities for our Matches, children on our waiting list, and families.

Ignite Potential

$42 Monthly Gift (~$500/year)

Supports Finding, Enrolling, Training, and Matching a Volunteer
Once a Volunteer Big's application, screening, and training is complete, they go through a thorough interview and assessment process so our staff can ultimately find the perfect Little for that Volunteer.

Empower Potential

$85 Monthly Gift (~$1,000/year)

Provides One Year of Monthly Check-Ins for a Match
Each Mentoring Match is guided and supported by the Big Brothers Big Sisters agency to ensure a positive experience. Regular check-ins with the Big, Little, and the Little's Family are an important part of the success of the relationship.

Force for Change

$125 Monthly Gift (~$1,500/year)

Sponsor a Match for One Year
Supporting the cost to make and support one mentoring Match for a year means that you impact every aspect of the mentoring relationship and support the Big, the Little, and the Little's Family every step of the way.

Need to learn more? Potential is everywhere! 

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