Would you like to win a mountain bike?
If you are between the ages of 6 and 14 and a resident of Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Keweenaw, or Ontonagon County:
- Read a book or several books!
- Fill out a Read to Ride entry form.
- Turn in your completed entry form(s) at one of the places listed on the form.
- For each book you read, you have one chance to win. (20 books = 20 chances)
- A drawing will be held in August
- Forms will be available at school offices, public libraries, the Copper Country ISD, the Gogebic-Ontonagon ISD, by calling 482-4520, 800-562-7613, or on the Web at www.upkids.com.
UP KIDS is joined by several partners including: REMC#1 / Copper Country & Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermediate School Districts providing posters, registration and outreach to schools and libraries; the Daily Mining Gazette spreading the word through generous and numerous ads; the Houghton and Ironwood-Hurley Rotary Clubs chipping in significant funds and many other organizations and individuals donating funds for the twenty bikes and helmets given away each year. Four regional bike shops (Cross Country Sports, Down Wind Sports, Hancock Bike Shop, The Hobby Wheel) also support the program by providing quality bikes and helmets at or slightly above costs.